Count Bug Fixes Towards Velocity?

Fault tolerance techniques:

A diff that understands syntax

What is caching and some implementation strategies

React oneOf vs. oneOfType

a thorough explanation on how failure can lead to improvement, and not fear of judgement

The #1 bug predictor is not technical, it's organizational complexity:

Putting the 'flow' back in workflow with WIP limits:

Use These Frameworks To Make Your UX Research Results Stick

Production Readiness Checklist

Five valuable lessons for a new tech lead

Four Factors in UX Maturity.

The 6 Levels of UX Maturity

Time to Listen - Designing for Access, Not Average, by Indi Young

django-raw-sugar: Turns your raw SQL into a QuerySet.

Cleaning up git Branches (Locally)

Cloudflare’s new Advanced Rate Limiting

The canonical log line pattern:

What caused the Uber Eats glitch that allowed ordering free food for a weekend in India?

What do you mean by “Event-Driven”?

How Baserow lets users generate Django models on the fly:

How Does Django's StreamingHttpResponse Work, Exactly?

Code less, engineer more

"In this post I will describe three flaws in Gartner’s model, the most fundamental of which is that high performing organizations do not in fact trade off agility for safety. In fact, high performance is characterized by consistent improvements in levels of both agility and safety."