The saga of Arrow functions with callback functions:
How can I cast a DateField() + TimeField() to local time in a Django QuerySet?
Making career decisions based on first principles:
How Phishers Are Slinking Their Links Into LinkedIn:
Commoditized Trust:
Precision In Technical Discussions:
Python's accepts a tuple of prefixes
Edit your website live in Google Chrome
Quality vs Resources:
Creating one-third or two-third responsive layouts in Figma
Recommended Books 2021 for platform engineer and SRE
Software architecture patterns: Take a deep dive into several common software architecture patterns
A capability-safe language would have minimized the impact of, or even prevented, the log4j vulnerability:
Does the join order matter in SQL?
When dealing with extensive Figma files with dozens of different Pages, you can create an empty page between other pages and call it ” ” to create breathing rooms between contexts and make the file more amicable to navigate.
I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how:
How To Stay Curious as a Coder
An ad plugin was stealing 30% of the revenue for a year and I didn't even notice:
The Key to Understanding Why Things Happen:
Thread about what platform engineering is, where the trends are going, and why you should care:
How to use regex and be able to understand one day later what I did the day before.
Continuous Integration and Feature Branching
Designing accessible services: best design practices for users from these areas: low vision, D/deaf and hard of hearing, dyslexia, motor disabilities, users on the autistic spectrum and users of screen readers
Never, Ever, Ever Use Pixelation for Redacting Text