Broken by default: why you should avoid most Dockerfile examples

Strong Opinions Loosely Held Might be the Worst Idea in Tech:

State Of Dev Ops 2018 Report

Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration.

Add context to sections of the code that were not triggered by the user (e.g., requests) but have impact on them by taking advantage of the Sentry SDK scope context #capturing-the-user

Indicators, Validations, and Notifications: Pick the Correct Communication Option

a beginner-friendly explanation of the HSB color system

Accessible color generator

the Krav Maga of UI design

Be aware of Javascript numeric precision issue when using integers as ids -> Boolean((2^53 + 1) === 2^53)
is equal to true

About using stopPropagation "this solution is roughly equivalent to fixing a leaky shower by turning off the water to the bathroom":

Validate GitHub Webhook Signatures:

This post comments the insight: software systems need to be livable. Can a system be too clean? Is it possible to focus so much on cleanliness that no one can practically work in the system?

Painting on a Distributed Canvas: An Advanced Guide to Celery Workflows

Why reselect is useful to increase the performance of a React Redux app

Mozilla's file sending service with end-to-end cryptography.

Django Mock Queries, a library for mocking Django queryset functions in memory for testing:

A Complete UI cheat sheet for Buttons

What about business logic in Django projects:

open source awards for react projects

setting up Digitalocean Monitoring alerts

state-based immutability library

High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here’s How to Create It:

A few things to keep in mind when dockerizing your app