Prints the SQL for the named migration

Reliable Microservices Data Exchange With the Outbox Pattern:

How and Why We Do UX Research

Measuring product design impact — KPIs, NPS, etc.

DRF serializer to_representation is not called if field value is None

A collection of product frameworks to help you create better products

Post-mortem on Roblox 73-hour outage:

SRE and the Practice of Practice

Stop using 40px touch targets

An extremely casual code review of MetaMask’s crypto:

Conhecendo o dual track: foco na entrega de valor (Workflow similar ao que usamos atualmente no AL e no PP)

Dashboard design: 6 things every UX designer should know

Split Buttons: Definition

Waiting in asyncio

The stages of growing a UX Research team

Design system: LEGO kits syndrome

Should this be a meeting? A flowchat

10 Best React Design System Libraries by Openbase

Design Workflow with Chakra UI (Third Party Design Library) and Figma

This plugin transforms all of the prototype interactions into arrows in the spec

The similarities and differences of and React.useRef

NPM dependencies, supply chain attacks, and Bitcoin wallets:

How to hand off accessible designs to developers