Precision In Technical Discussions:

Python's accepts a tuple of prefixes

Edit your website live in Google Chrome

Quality vs Resources:

Creating one-third or two-third responsive layouts in Figma

Recommended Books 2021 for platform engineer and SRE

Software architecture patterns: Take a deep dive into several common software architecture patterns

A capability-safe language would have minimized the impact of, or even prevented, the log4j vulnerability:

Does the join order matter in SQL?

When dealing with extensive Figma files with dozens of different Pages, you can create an empty page between other pages and call it ” ” to create breathing rooms between contexts and make the file more amicable to navigate.

I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how:

How To Stay Curious as a Coder

An ad plugin was stealing 30% of the revenue for a year and I didn't even notice:

The Key to Understanding Why Things Happen:

Thread about what platform engineering is, where the trends are going, and why you should care:

How to use regex and be able to understand one day later what I did the day before.

Continuous Integration and Feature Branching

Designing accessible services: best design practices for users from these areas: low vision, D/deaf and hard of hearing, dyslexia, motor disabilities, users on the autistic spectrum and users of screen readers

Never, Ever, Ever Use Pixelation for Redacting Text

Services Don’t Have to Be Eight-9s Reliable

10 Usability Heuristics Applied to Complex Applications.

Improve Serialization Performance in Django Rest Framework

Alexandrian Patterns - A solution to a problem in a context:

Organizational culture that is high-trust and emphasizes information flow is predictive of software delivery performance and organizational performance in technology: