Which Kinds of Tests Should I Write?

Does my React app render too often?

How many re-renders is too many?

If you're pair programming, you can add Co-authored-by: Author Name <author@>
for all developers in the pairing session to the commit body and they'll be recognized as co-commiters. Works for Github and Gitlab

How to manage toil as you scale

In some cases you can avoid circular import if you import the module instead of the member

The Saff Squeeze:

Killing product zombies: a five-step approach

The Nature of Product:

Measuring the right North Star metric

HN discussion on how to improve as a struggling junior swe

Threat Alert: First Python Ransomware Attack Targeting Jupyter Notebooks:

Amplifying Research Impact: give your research a voice that can drive change across your company

Prioritize Opportunities, Not Solutions

Making the world’s fastest website, and other mistakes:

Terraform Best Practices for AWS users:

To be run to run escape sequences, such as detach from docker running container, from an integrated terminal in VS Code, update the related keyboard shortcuts (usually Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Q) to have their When Clause being set to !terminalFocus

Import Linter allows you to define and enforce rules for the imports within and between Python packages.

good arguments as to when prioritize reducing infrastructure costs based on company size also brings good metrics to track infrastructure burden on bigger companies!

Continuous Delivery reduces defect probability and cost: math

Django has a built-in queryset method that allows you to have a dictionary map with a given value being the key and the matching instances the dict value

Beekeeper Studio - Open Source SQL Editor and Database Manager