Programming learning paths
One way to name/define component tokens in a simple way while still using the CTI attributes, with documentation and examples.
Scripts: async, defer -
Context Manager to launch exceptions when Django makes unexpected queries to ensure explicit control over DB overhead:
5 ways to host PostgreSQL databases:
Optimizing the Django Admin Paginator:
Join strategies and performance in PostgreSQL:
How to Create an Index in Django Without Downtime:
Render vs Heroku Comparison — Discover the Heroku Alternative for Developers:
assertLogs - A context manager to test that at least one message is logged on the logger or one of its children, with at least the given level
"Don't take down a fence until you know why it was put up."
What is SRE
Quick reference guide to WCAG criteria & techniques (accessibility standards for web content)
Quickly improve code readability with Proximity Refactorings:
Design for everyone with these accessibility-focused plugins
The Kool-Aid Factory: zines about the ways organizations coordinate.
Peculiar Self-References:
The 25 Micro-Habits of High-Impact Managers
Tips for introverts at work
GitHub’s commitment to npm ecosystem security
UX Design Patterns #6: Search, Sort and Filter Sorted
How to Use Forked NPM Dependencies in React:
The Unstuck Map: A simple way to keep product innovation under control while going fast
When you’re communicating with your team, lead with context and reassurance. Never message someone on your team, “let’s talk when you get a minute”. That’s void of information and scary as heck!
Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets