The Toolbox, for discoverability and comparison of tools Node.js

Interop between Python and Javascript via PythonMonkey and PMJS - Use NPM on Python or NumPy on JS

AWS Open Guide

Introducing Valibot a Zod Alternative

The complexities of data visualization literacy

Use custom code to add ‘break-word’ to Webflow body text

Usability Testing With Older Adults

A 4 day advanced python course with great reviews on hacker news

Ember is now fully compatible with Typescript

Content Production Ideas for Remote Companies

Microsoft's VS Code Extension for MyPy

Implementations of simple algorithms using Typescript's Type System (Not Typescript itself, just the Type System)

React TS Cheatsheet - Useful Patterns

VueJS reactive objects are different from JavaScript objects

Why are western and east asian UI good practices so different? Cultural impact on Information dense vs Action Focused interfaces ;ab_channel=CynthiaZhou

How To Transfer a Website Without Losing Your Organic Search Traffic

Mock data online generator, with field customization and several export formats

migrating Netflix to GraphQL with zero downtime

Kysely is a type safe query builder for Typescript, a great companion for Prisma (With prisma-kysely integration)

Typescript is adding a using
keyword with support for sync and async dispose

Remeda A utility library for JavaScript and TypeScript

create an AWS CloudFront distribution from S3 secured with Cognito, Signed Cookie and Lambda@Edge

is a great animation library for JS