a case against content feeds

Python tricky behaviors:

Symbols in Javascript? What are they for? What do they do? Where do they live? Here's a summary:

5 things to be mindful when designing filters

A comparison of form libraries for react

Hamburger menu UX: too ubiquitous to fail?

React router and reach router will be merged to create a new hook-based API

A Front-End Checklist with an exhaustive list of all elements you need to have/test before launching your website/HTML page to production

Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?

Pattern to centralize PropTypes definitions

REST resource naming guide

A library of animated icons to make your UI more friendly

report on the status of Customer Success Management in the world page 17 has a very good list of possible metrics to use to measure customer success

Python Sets Quiz:

list of customer success solutions and what to consider when looking for one that fits your company

Has the Python GIL been slain? Sub-interpreters: a middle ground solution -

When tunelling through Ngrok you can rewrite the Host header of the request so the server knows how to treat it #http-host-header

Things you should be using in python 3

Scrum is a solution, not a goal. Understanding your agile needs first.

GitBook, a must read to understand how Git works

“What are the key qualities of a great Product Leader? What makes a great Product Manager?”

Pattern, a user-friendly Python library for Natural Language Processing:

Debugging-friendly tracebacks for Python:

“While acceptance is good to control the development life-cycle of the feature, success is about mid/long-term impact and value created for real users of your product.”