Lessons learned scaling PostgreSQL database to 1.2bn records/month:

Incremental PRs: a new GitHub workflow for the Gatsby Cloud team

How to use git to remove untracked files, which are missed from git reset, from your branch? git clean.

Is Python Really Scalable?

Hands-On Web Application Security with Django - PyCon 2019

Get the latest version of a pypi package with curl -s "" | jq -r '.releases | keys | .[]' | sort -V | tail -n 1

a critique of Big Data in Politics

Cookiecutter Data Science:

"In the sciences, metrology is serious business. In the field of software development, it should be serious, but more often it’s just theatre; an exercise in the ritualistic use of numbers to cast a scientific aura around an otherwise irrational management process"

Advice from a GraphQL Expert

Understanding Django URLs

Git Tools - Reset Demystified

JavaScript type coercion explained

Creating multipage forms in Django

Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning: Automating the end-to-end lifecycle of Machine Learning applications

McDonald’s Theory

The Engineer’s Guide to Career Growth by Raylene Yung

Post with all the details of Pair Programming:

Neumorphism in user interfaces

Django Anti-Patterns: Signals

how Spotify's squad model can go very wrong if you think it's only an organization chart:

The Risks of Imitating Designs (Even from Successful Companies)

What Is Tail Call Optimization?

Safely install packages with npm or yarn by auditing them as part of your install process: