How to mock functions in the same module using jest:

Shopify built a JS Framework // Hydrogen First Look

Papertrail filter search syntax

A Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code:

HTTP(S) benchmark tools, testing/debugging, & restAPI (RESTful)

The strange world of Python, as used by big investment banks:

Speed up a Heroku App with Fly:

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. - Peter Drucker

Optimizing Your Web Performance: Separating the Signals from the Noise:

Pros and Cons of using e.stopPropagation

Prefer type aliases over interfaces:

How do you say no to customers?

A React-based framework for building data-intensive applications in no time:

Tips for debugging with print(): [python

3 TypeScript Tricks I wish I knew when I learned TypeScript:

Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images:

Tokens in Design Systems:

Optimizing Pattern Searching Queries in PostgreSQL:

Calling smart contract functions using - call() vs send():

A website with resources for UX/UI:

Cognitive Ease definition:

A collection of the best design practices

An Overview of Best Practices for Security Headers: