Some start measures one can take to mitigate the possibility of getting servers hacked #1139463

“Designing a system that makes it easy to do bad things is bad”. Erika Hall on the ethics of UX design

useful arguments to justify why a project should use React in business terms

How to deal with difficult people

Test transaction.on_commit
hooks without using TransactionTestCase
(which is slow)

For mocking Python's requests lib, requests-mock lib work better than responses lib:

Turn Python scripts into handouts with Markdown comments and inline figures. An alternative to Jupyter notebooks without hidden state that supports any text editor:

Quick summary explaining each React Hook

a very real talk about impostor syndrome in the design community

pipx: Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments

Awesome Podcast about design - 99% Invisible

Make the case: How to get buy-in for building a design system

Finding and Fixing Memory Leaks in Python:

httrack: recursively crawl a website on Windows, Linux and Mac

React and accessibility support

Plug & play animated 3D backgrounds for your website

Why Airbnb is Moving Off Of React Native

Protecting GDPR Personal Data with Pseudonymization:

Animate Sketch designs using Flow and export code specifications directly to the development team

GDPR Compliance & The Elastic Stack:

Slow software:

A closer look at React memoize hooks

Shape Up: A Basecamp Guide for Product Development.

Using analytics to find Product/Market fit and where to invest limited resources for maximum growth and learning.