keys skills a product designer needs to have a great career

Litmus is a toolset to do chaos engineering in a kubernetes native way

Amazing talk on how belief formation happens on humans and 5 things everyone in ML should know about it:

Introduction to ASGI: Emergence of an Async Python Web Ecosystem

WTF is this - Understanding the this keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript

Visual Inspector: A Chrome extension that enables non-programmers to seamlessly inspect paddings, margins, colors, shadows, text and download images, vectors, and fonts without having to deal with other complex dev tools.

Web development, illustrated.

Working with huge data sets in Django

The unseen performance costs of modern CSS-in-JS libraries in React apps

Hijacking Default Django 'Through' Tables:

Optimize queries executed by graphene-django automatically, using "select_related", "prefetch_related" and "only" methods of Django QuerySet

“In software, the greatest source of waste is building the wrong thing, period, not building the right thing slowly, not building the wrong thing slowly, just flat-out building things that add no value.”

nice website with okr examples for different areas of the company

django-hint helps you type django code so you can have model, querysets, requests and drf utilities type hints at hand

a thoughtful (and a bit controversial) reflection on the state of Agile Workflow

Chrome 79 shows the call stack for requests #initiator

Common mistakes that Django developers can make

How tracking pixels work

How to combine multiple indexes:

Comparing Python Clustering Algorithms

Use git config diff.lfs.textconv cat
to render Git LFS files in diff! Issue:

Python Tips and Trick, You Haven't Already Seen, two nice blog posts with this theme: and

Fairness indicators for machine learning systems:

8 great pytest plugins to consider using in your testing ecosystem