Functional JS Series
Accessibility checklist from Webflow
“The most common mistake a Product Manager can make for the long term success of a product is to let the metric define the product versus letting the user needs define the product and the product define the metric.”
Should engineering managers write code?
Custom checks using Django check framework, inspect and ast:
falls "mainly in the planes"
Data means nothing if you don't know about usefulness
The Future of CSS: CSS Toggles
Notes on debugging:
How to run Python in the browser
PEP 673 – Self Type
The Elephant in the Architecture
What is Progressive Delivery All About?
A primer on product management for engineers
How to increase the UX maturity of Scrum teams
The best engineering interview question I’ve ever gotten:
Programming and Cognitive Load, with a Django REST Framework example:
A smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images.
Understanding Layout Algorithms: The mental model shift that makes CSS more intuitive
Future Javascript: Records and Tuples
Best practices to containerize web applications with Docker Node.js
Miscellaneous features of javascript: Currying
Passing callbacks down with React Hooks
Protocol: the keystone of type hints
User Stories are ill-suited for expressing requirements