Why feature-based roadmaps fail in rapidly changing markets

A handy list of questions to be applied in user-feedback surveys, from IDF

How to build solid hypotheses to guide our design process:

Simple rules that will help you design forms users will like to complete

A framework for Engineering Career Ladders:

Latency in Asynchronous Python:

Discussion on the various ways to wait for results in asyncio:

useDebouce hook for debouncing values instead of functions. The idea of debouncing the value itself instead of a callback is really useful and smart.

“Empowering clients with choice and an active role in the design process goes a step further towards their project becoming realized, and helps you keep things on course.” - Brendan English

Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.

Observability: A complete overview

“Above de Fold” Sketch plugin to assist on crafting responsive design mockups

Art of debugging with Chrome DevTools

The Role of Design Management

Great post on optimizing Django ORM Queries:

A lib to help testing Django on_commit callbacks

A collection of useful React hooks helpers

A recipe to make your own useLocalStorage hook

"I used to sell the roadmap. But the team started to do amazing work... [and] I sold our ability to innovate and I sold real ROI and outcomes, not future features"

Bento: Free program analysis focused on bugs that matter to you.

A linter for inconsiderate writing (gender favouring, polarising, etc)

Whenever your Sketch artboards glitch and vanish from the page, try resetting their X,Y position values to 0 on the inspector and pasting them on another page, this will possibly fix the glitch. More on Sketch Talk’s forum thread:

A list of React state management tools and libraries

Good introduction to Python concurrency with concurrent.futures module: #generic-workflows-for-running-tasks-concurrently