Very cool thread from a Redux maintainer about React hooks and its implications

Design of Service Layer:

It’s very practical to use mouse cursor icons across your UI mockups to indicate hover, drag and blocked states on desktop. Here’s an asset with all available cursor states:

interesting discussion about density and visual hierarchy for Settings pages

a few tips for designing good Settings pages

Absolutely Awesome React Components & Libraries:

Web Accessibility Guidebook for Developers

Atlassian Team Playbook's entry about Restrospectives

"Rather than accepting the current rendered view (web page) as seen by the end-user as fixed, and then asking what can be done to optimise the end-to-end loading time of that page, this paper examines the question of what changes to the current view could dramatically reduce its load time? I.e., small (or sometimes not so small) changes to what the end user ultimately sees on the page, that can have a net benefit on the overall user experience" -

how to work with changelogs

Getting Started With Testing in Python

Python help() function:

How to Design Large and Complex Web Tables

101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human)

Continuous Integration at Coinbase: How we optimized CircleCI for speed and cut our build times by 75%:

Python lib for plotting charts in the terminal:

Lightweight Architectural Decision Records, the idea is to always answer the question: "Why did we decide to do it this way?" (Communicating and documenting architectural decisions:

Ever wondered how to walk the humble path of becoming a (good) CTO?

Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python

Circuit Breaker Pattern

When to useMemo and useCallback and performance tips
Best piece of advice extracted from article: MOST OF THE TIME YOU SHOULD NOT BOTHER OPTIMIZING UNNECESSARY RERENDERS. React is VERY fast and there are so many things I can think of for you to do with your time that would be better than optimizing things like this. In fact, the need to optimize stuff with what I'm about to show you is so rare that I've literally never needed to do it in the 3 years I worked on PayPal products and the even longer time that I've been working with React. (edited)
Also: What's the point? The point is this: Performance optimizations are not free. They ALWAYS come with a cost but do NOT always come with a benefit to offset that cost. Therefore, optimize responsibly.

The power of serverless for frontend devs!

Get the opportunity to design your characters using our generator absolutely for free

Small but interesting post about tech leaders: Don’t lead by example
Top Highlight: Expectation-setting is a required part of a tech lead’s job, but you’re a member of the team too, you still need to get in there and do the actual work. Being on the ground with the team helps you ensure a high quality bar, helps you understand what’s going on with your system, allows you to build empathy for your teammates, and helps make sure your team hits its goals. You’ll likely be the hardest-working person on your team. Congratulations, welcome to tech leadership.