"Sometimes, programming feels like magic: you chant some arcane incantation and a fleet of robots do your bidding. But sometimes, magic is mundane. If you’re willing to embrace the grind, you can pull off the impossible"

Downloading files from S3 with multithreading and Boto3

Why you shouldn't use ENV variables for secret data:

We consider a good practice to convert a defaultdict
to dict
after done building it, because code down the stack probably expects dict-like objects to behave as a regular dict
and throw KeyError

Using PyTorch + NumPy? You're making a mistake.

Earnest conversations lead to more delight

Build customer empathy by listening to their stories

Making setInterval Declarative with React Hooks

UUID or GUID as Primary Keys? Be Careful!

An all-inclusive Figma template for your next remote design sprint

How to actually test UIs

Python News: What's New From March 2021?

Collaborate with kindness: Consider these etiquette tips in Slack

Annual Tech Trends Report

7 Ways of Achieving Conditional Rendering in React

Playground for learning how to use the new Interactive Components feature for Figma (Beta)-(Community)?node-id=0%3A1

Yaml causing bizarre bugs, again!

Avoid the Test User - How your UI code has only two users, but the wrong tests can add a third

AWS Basics for Beginners - Full Course:

6 Counterintuitive Rules for Being a Better Manager

The importance of taking the time to chill with workmates :)

Speeding up SQL queries by orders of magnitude using UNION:

A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub

Vinum is a SQL processor for Python, designed for data analysis workflows and in-memory analytics.