How to build organizational resilience:

How percentile approximation works (and why it's more useful than averages)

a very good link on how to be a good TL/engineering manager - alternate between focusing on people and focusing on code, never do both at the same time

You Are Doing SQL Pagination Wrong

Sent by Jota> Professional Programming: The First 10 Years

Where’s your bottleneck? CPU time vs wallclock time

Resources for leading through crises

Use Partial Responses To Reduce Request Sizes

Smooth and simple page transitions with the shared element transition API:

Reading Source Code (React-Query):

Should you have a separate domain for content served through the CDN?

HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report:

You don't need that CORS request:

Grep for JSON cli tool:

The challenges of designing a white label product

django-readers: a lightweight function-oriented toolkit for better organisation of business logic and efficient selection and projection of data in Django projects

‘No Friday deployments’ is an anti-pattern:

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear of deploys is the ultimate technical debt.

YAML Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference

Accessibility checklist from Webflow

“The most common mistake a Product Manager can make for the long term success of a product is to let the metric define the product versus letting the user needs define the product and the product define the metric.”

Should engineering managers write code?

Custom checks using Django check framework, inspect and ast:

falls "mainly in the planes"