How we used Postgres extended statistics to achieve a 3000x speedup:

9 useful tricks of git branch:

Where should you put the documentation?

Reading a Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE Query Plan:

Using Postgres Row-Level Security in Python and Django:

What to Expect in Python 3.9:

Five Nonobvious Remote Work Techniques

What are user stories

The Confusing State of Toggle Switches:

Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) practices to help developers build more secure software by reducing the number and severity of vulnerabilities.

We Need to Talk About DX (Developer Experience)

Catching Problem Participants in Remote Unmoderated Studies

Approaching Problems like a Software Engineer

"While researchers try to outdo one another on contrived benchmarks, one in every nine people in the world is starving" from Too many AI researchers think real-world problems are not relevant:

Top 10 most common CSS mistakes made by new and experienced developers

Why Tooltips are Terrible and How to Better Design Them

Tooltips: How to use this small but mighty UI pattern correctly

The problems with tooltips and what to do instead

Is there an analysis speed or memory usage advantage to using HDF5 for large array storage (instead of flat binary files)?:

Django Async Views

Rome intends to replace Babel, ESLint, webpack, Prettier, Jest and many other libraries by unifying their functionality. So far, only the linter is available #development-status

Product Squads

When You Should Use a Breadcrumb Navigation

In Django ORM you can add order_by('?')
to a queryset to randomize results - but be careful because it can slow them significantly #order-by