Avoid soul-crushing components

Why I Love React

A curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in

Django safedelete

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications

Fixit, a Python Lint Framework from Instagram:

New ways of thinking and approaches to achieve goals

a map of product prioritization frameworks based on how much user interaction they use and if they are quantitative or qualitative

great considerations about product metrics and making sure the client sees the impact of the product

Designing for accessibility is not that hard:

Effective testing for machine learning systems:

Ideas and inspirations from The Architect of Modern Algorithms

Django documentation sites

What's the difference between [ and [[ in Bash?:

An easy way to inspect Django Class Based Views

Engineering Security Vulnerability Prevention, Detection, and Response

First Principles

Building a Drag and Drop UI

Managers, Take Your 1:1s to the Next Level

Covid Changed Users

Why I stopped spreading props on React Components

An opinionated guide on how to write views in Django!

Use ternaries rather than && in JSX

Quickly debugging Postgres problems: