A conversation about the DRY principle:
Vue Router Data Loaders
Code Splitting E Lazy Loading No React
At the end of a big redesign project, invest a couple minutes to prepare a quick pitch (up to 3 slides) with all the product value that was brought by the improvements so the investment is clear beyond just “pixel waxing”.
Rendering React component based on some string enum
CSS container queries are finally here
faker includes a fixture definition in its codebase to support pytest out-of-the-box
When should I use gRPC.
What is isatty?
Testing Mutation and Actions in Vuex
From Design Thinking to Creative Confidence
35 Impactful Questions Managers Should Ask Themselves Regularly
Profiling JavaScript Applications
Why React Re-renders, very good visual guide on how nested components manage re-rendering
Using strict mode in React 18
In Postgres, COUNT(*) vs. COUNT(id) is a non-issue:
The Pyramid Design Token Structure, a method to organize design tokens for the design systems.
How to choose between radios, drop-downs, checkboxes or toggles?
PARA a Organization framework, it is amazing.
Some tools for codebase visualization.
Freezing time in Jest
Terraform Best Practices
The stages of Terraform adoption
How to test a value in Brazilian Reais converted by the JavaScript internationalization API
How to safely upgrade and deprecate components in Figma