Deno is a really promising Javascript/Typescript runtime that solves many problems of the modern Node/Python development workflow

The project management triangle visualizes the problem of “triple constraints”—the need to balance scope, cost, and time in order to maintain a high-quality final product.

Accessibility Handoff: a guide for product designers

TIL: if you need to use both override_flag (django-waffle) and either django_assert_num_queries (pytest-django) or assertNumQueries (django testcase), make sure to have override_flags being put first or you'll end up tainting your number of queries assertion with those from flag value override

What happens when you open a terminal and enter ‘ls’

How to Create Luck

A Historical Reference Of React Criticism

Integrating marketing with product design

A good solution to overloading react functional components on typescript

The differences between a junior designer and a senior designer

Less is more? A brief discussion about limiting WIP

The truth about CSS selector performance

As a Linux user, I found Pop!_OS Linux a very mature distribution with encryptation, enhanced user interface (minimal), very adaptated to video cards (NVidia), and out-of-the-box features. No issues, combined with a very slick user interface and powerful performance.

A Friendly Guide to Software Development: What You Should Know Without Being a Developer.

Ship Small and Ship Fast

Web & Software Development Fundamentals for Non-Programmers: if you have been overwhelmed by the amount of technical jargon you have to deal with every day, then lucky for you, we’ve gathered a big chunk of it here, in this blog post, to make things a little easier for you.

Guesses vs. Data as Basis for Design Recommendations

Excelente talk on what is software engineering and how Agile contributes to it

7 Principles of Icon Design

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More Choices More Trouble

Vue Virtual Scroll List

Engineering Maturity Model

Good IOC's practices for react applications