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Building an ETL flow with asyncio, multiprocessing and asyncpg

This post will explain how to implement a concurrent ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) flow combining Python asyncio with multiprocessing to get the best of both worlds. ETL itself is a procedure that starts with data extraction from sources such as a database (or many databases).

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Autonomy: keeping engagement during crisis

Autonomy is a crucial factor for teams to succeed. Studies have shown that autonomy is a considerable part of what makes individuals involved and satisfied with their work and essential to maintain engagement.

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Zero to hero: User-facing documentation

How we wrote a process to improve our user documentation’s quality assurance from scratch, and how you can do it too.

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🇧🇷 O que esperamos de 2021

O que o mês de janeiro significa para você? Você faz planos e busca por mudanças? Ou é uma pessoa mais cética e não acredita que esse mês seja merecedor de tantas expectativas assim?

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Pair Programming

Pairing is a powerful approach to improve and reach greater results on a team/project. This post describes the Processes that Vinta’s team is following to pair program.

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🇧🇷 FrontJS #8

O FrontJS é um encontro trimestral para discutir tecnologias, frameworks e metodologias relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de aplicações front-end com JavaScript.

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🇧🇷 O papel do estágio na construção de uma carreira

No dia 18 de agosto comemora-se o Dia do Estagiário, uma homenagem à regulamentação da posição no Brasil em 1982. Ela garante aos estudantes de educação superior os direitos de inserção no mercado de trabalho e de disponibilidade para estudar.

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🇧🇷 FrontJS #7

O FrontJS é um encontro trimestral para discutir tecnologias, frameworks e metodologias relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de aplicações front-end com JavaScript.

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Adding types to your JavaScript project with TypeScript

JavaScript has been the core part of frontend development since the advent of frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue.

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A Guide to Integrating Formik and Redux for React Applications

Learn how to manage React forms seamlessly with Formik and Redux integration. Simplify validation, submission, and state management.