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Offshore Development Center: Types, Benefits, And How To Choose One

An offshore development center is the future of the IT market. Its cost-efficiency and high-quality work can be the solution your company is looking for.

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How Vinta Embraces Gather Town for a Thriving Virtual Office Culture

Discover how Vinta leverages Gather Town to maintain a robust remote work culture, ensuring team connectivity and a seamless virtual office experience across Brazil.

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Partnering With a Dedicated Development Team: The Benefits for Your Business

Did you know there is a way to achieve better project control, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness without restructuring your company? Discover the advantages of hiring a dedicated development team.

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Why Do We Use Django Framework & What Is Django Used For?

In this post, we've gathered all you need to know about Django to show you why this is the perfect framework for your project.

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Design Operations: 6 Tips To Streamline Your Design Process

As your business and team grow and your design needs become more complex, it's important to have a solid design operation in place.

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Why Should Every Software Development Team Have a Product Designer?

It’s fair to say that you should invest in design because it foments more viable and profitable products. But why is that true? Check the answer now!

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A Founder's Guide: 3 Metrics You Should Follow to Track Startup Growth

Tracking startup growth is a must! But it can be tricky if you don't know what to measure. Here is a quick overview of the metrics you should be monitoring.

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🇧🇷 Mulheres sênior no mercado: como a Vinta faz diferente

A dificuldade das empresas não está somente em perceber a importância de contratar, treinar e inspirar mulheres no setor de tecnologia. Ela também está na incapacidade de integrar melhor pessoas que não são maioria.

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PyBR 2022 talks

Slides from talks given during Python Brasil 2022. Here everyone can check the talks Vinta will give at the event, links for the slides and the twitter handle of the speakers for later questions.

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Vinta at PythonBrasil 2022

Python Brasil is back! As avid participants, we are excited about this year's edition of Python Brasil. Even though we give talks and interact with Python and Django communities worldwide, the feeling of interacting with the largest Python event in our home country is unique.