<p>We were at EuroPython 2015 talking about one of our projects, the web API wrapper maker <a href="https://github.com/vintasoftware/tapioca-wrapper">tapioca</a>.<br>The conference was held from the 20th to the 24th of july in Bilbao, ES and received a total of 1100 ateendes.</p><p>Here is the recording of the talk:</p><p>and the slides:</p><p><strong> <a href="//www.slideshare.net/filipeximenes/whats-wrong-with-api-wrappers-and-how-can-we-do-better">What's wrong with api wrappers and how can we do better</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="//www.slideshare.net/filipeximenes">Filipe Ximenes</a></strong></p>
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